
Bringing the concept of thinking globally, acting locally to life, we create smart, digitally connected, advanced engineering solutions.

Building on the Cyanergy journey, Smart Lifestyle Australia seeks to expand the Cyanergy legacy with a team of bright, young, globally connected engineers and IT professionals, partnering with academia to solve the problems of our (and the rest of the world’s) energy transition.

We harness global partnerships and extensive networks to move our energy networks from a centuries old polluting model to a renewable smart distributed and democratised system.

We are Creators

We create, and bring to the mass market, high-quality energy efficient products. We make taking action to save money and the planet attainable for everyone; not just the playground of the rich.

We are Problem Solvers

We solve the problem of balancing your energy budget using creative engineering and software design. We build smart appliances and connect them with clever software, partnering with experts to innovate new solutions in hardware and software.

We are Family

We protect your family and our planet with state-of-the-art appliances connected by secure cloud-based software platforms.